Elaine Hall is the founder of The Miracle Project®, and star of HBO’s two-time Emmy award winning film Autism: The Musical. Through her ground-breaking work she developed a methodology that unlocks potential, creates a culture of inclusivity, enhances teamwork and inspires others to discover their purpose.
As a media personality and world-renowned keynote speaker, Elaine gives audiences the ability to change their mindset, break through obstacles, and celebrate uniqueness.
Elaine is a highly sought-after consultant and coach to TV & film companies, the United Nations, universities, corporations, theaters and faith-based establishments. She specializes in using mindfulness, theater and film to transform the way the world perceives ability.
To book Elaine for your next event in person or virtually or to coach with her privately
Elaine has been selected in the Forward 50 list of remarkable Americans in 2020. Check out her story, and others at Forward 50.
The article notes the impact that The Influencer has as the first production with a neurodiverse cast to stream on Broadway-on-Demand!
Watch Elaine's inspiring TEDx Talk
Elaine Hall has overcome what most would call insurmountable obstacles to live a life of success and significance. Her joyful spirit, positive mindset, and remarkable personal life story have inspired people throughout the world.
Marci Shimoff, Transformational Leader, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Happy For No Reason, Co-author Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
Featured & Collaborated with:

Hi I’m Coach E ,
My passion is helping others redefine what’s possible, realize their potential, rise above challenges, and increase positive results.
My work and life are examples that when we accept ourselves and appreciate our situations exactly as they are, we can live a miraculous life, creating communities of compassion, inclusivity, and belonging. I have experienced conclusively that the difference between obstacles and opportunities is how you choose to think.
This is my mission and my message to share with corporations, associations, and individuals around the world.
As a speaker, consultant, and coach, I wish to transform you and your teams to live inspired lives.

Creating Inclusive Content, Coverage & Conversations
Keynote Speaking
An international keynote speaker, Elaine Hall is known for her inspirational talks about celebrating everyday miracles, and creating cultures where all abilities can thrive. She tailors each keynote talk and helps organizations and individuals alike break through obstacles, refine what’s possible, and unlock potential.
Media, TV & Film
Resident expert on creating inclusivity within media, theater, television, and film - Elaine is consulted for her deep expertise within the autism community to create more neurodiverse representation.
Training & Consulting
As a pioneer in the inclusion/ neurodiversity space, Elaine offers deeply transformational training to create spaces of belonging for individuals, organizations, faith-based and arts-based communities. She also helps Theatre & Film programs, Universities and Schools start their own Miracle Projects.

6-Time Invited Presenter and Consultant
World Autism Awareness Day, United Nations
“Thank you Elaine for your presentation “Celebrating the ability within disability” — it was most illustrative and inspiring as it highlighted how to change perceptions by offering individuals the possibility and tools to reach their full potential.”
— United Nations